Newsflash – Terminal State free today

Yes, that’s right. For the rest of today, Terminal State is free. You can get your copy on ebook at these links:

UK Amazon

US Amazon

This is only for today, so you’ll have to be fast. If you do get a copy, an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads or wherever really would be much appreciated.

Talk soon. Be well.

Author: lukewalkerwriter

Luke Walker has been writing horror and dark thrillers for most of his life after finding a copy of Lovecraft’s stories that his eldest brother left in the bathroom. From there, he went on to his dad’s collection of Stephen King books and hasn’t looked back since. His novels include The Kindred, Pandemonium, The Dead Room, The Unredeemed, Ascent, Die Laughing, Dead Sun and Winter Graves. Several of his short stories have been published online and in magazines/books. While writing, he has worked in a library, a hospital (disposing of severed legs) and a record shop (back in the distant past). He is currently working on new novels and short fiction. His new book, The Ninth Circle, is now available. The dark thriller Terminal State will be published under the name Rob Harrison in May 2024. Luke is (too) active on Twitter/X and Bluesky and loves to hear from people who want to talk about books. He is forty-six and lives in England with his wife, cats, too many bad films and not enough books.

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